I’ve been nominated for a Liebster award! :)

I was so happy today to see that I got nominated for a Liebster Award by Kristine over at Bright Tuesday, one of my favourite blogs! Kristine writes wonderfully about her life, family, hobbies and faith.


The Liebster Award is given to blogs who have less than 1,000 followers.  I have to link back to the poster who nominated me. I have to answer ten questions given to me by Kristine. Then I nominate five deserving bloggers for the award, and ask them to answer ten questions of my own. Here are my answers:

1)  How did you pick your blog name?

My “real” first name is Sarah, and I wanted my blog to be about all the crafts I try. CraftySarah was already taken so instead I decided to take the Irish version of my first name which is Sorcha (pronounced Surka).

2)  Why did you start your blog?

Several reasons. I wanted to share my love of crafting, I wanted to network with other crafters to be inspired, and mostly to motivate myself to do something crafty every single week.

3)  Knowing what you know now, what advice would you give to your teenage self?

Don’t worry so much about what people think about you, they are too busy worrying about what people are thinking of them that they’re not looking at you!

4)  What are three things you cannot live without?

My son, tea, and my computer!

5)  Of all the blog posts you have written, which one is your favourite?  (Link, please!)

My post about the Dresden plate cushion I made, because it’s the project I’m most proud of so far. https://craftysorcha.wordpress.com/2013/05/19/dresden-plate-cushion/

6)  Describe yourself in three words.

Chatterbox, friendly, honest

7)  Who is your favourite author and why?

I don’t have a favourite author, I love so many authors, I’m a total bookworm!

8)  What single quality do you appreciate most in people?

That’s a tough one. People being non-judgemental is important to me.

9)  What is your favourite quote and by whom?

Carpe diem, seize the day. I don’t know who wrote it originally but I first heard it in the film “Dead Poets Society”.

10)  What super power do you wish you had, and why?

I’d love to be able to squash 48 hours into one day to get everything done!  🙂

And now here are the blogs I have nominated for the Liebster Award.

  1. MyNorthernCottageView
  2. GardeningNirvana
  3. Love those hands at home
  4. Lil & Destinations
  5. The Green Dragonfly

Here are my questions for them to answer:

1. How did you pick your blog name?

2. What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever gotten?

3. What’s your favourite recipe?

4. What your favourite post on your blog (link please!)?

5. How do you spread the word about your blog?

6. What’s your perfect Saturday night?

7. Who is your favourite fictional character?

8. Describe yourself in three words.

9. Cat or dog?

10. What is your favourite destination?

Thanks for reading!

33 thoughts on “I’ve been nominated for a Liebster award! :)

  1. Born To Organize

    Holy blog-love Batman. I was happily enjoying your lovely list, and then I saw gardeningnirvana at the end. I’m honored! Thanks so much.

    I love that you used your Irish name for this blog. I too love tea, my computer and my sons but I would have to add several addendum: I love friends, nature, gardening, writing, crafting, cats, (all animals really)…any way. This isn’t about me it’s about you and your lovely reward. Congratulations.

    1. My Northern Cottage View

      Congratulations Sarah/Sorcha! 🙂 I enjoyed reading your answers. And thank you so much for nominating my blog. You are a sweetie and I will try and answer those questions this week. Blessings from Alaska, Jackie

      1. Born To Organize

        So true. Which is why the question is so silly in the first place. Interviews would be so much better if we could approach them organically, though I understand for a hundred reasons why that will never happen. Sigh. Glad to be in business for myself at this time of my life.

  2. KerryCan

    Congratulations, Sarah–well-deserved! And thanks for nominating my blog–it means a lot to me, even though I’m going to choose to decline the nomination. I’ve explained why in a post I’ll be putting on my blog soon. Please don’t hate me!

  3. Pingback: Sarah asked me 10 questions … | Lil & Destinations…

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